Proof of Work

Solving user & business problems since last 15+ years.

GrowthSchool (Current)

GrowthSchool is an edu-tech platform focusing on modern careers and upskilling.

Traditional education can't keep up with the pace with which the industry changes; we support millions of students with programs to kick-start or advance their careers in the internet-age.

More details coming soon...

Headout (2019-2021)

The Story

Headout sells experiences to millions of tourists across the world — we specialize in simplifying choices & last-minute availability.

The design & product teams solve customers problems and make their experiences more memorable. Read more about the team's work:

Key Achievements

  • Designed & launched systems scaling the company's portfolio of hyperlocal brands from ~100 to 1000s of sub-brands covering 80% of GBV
  • Improved CVR by ~2% with the new Product Design Card system to aid discovery on the e-commerce platform
  • Designed automated system to support over 4,000 types of digital, manual, and various types of passes, tickets, and access codes across the world
  • Improved User Research & UAT Testing coverage from 0 to 90% for all critical projects in the product pipeline with advanced prototyping. We did this during a pandemic
  • Improved CVR on mobile-web by ~2% with the launch of the redesigned booking flow
  • Reduced manual over-head for ops & support team by launching Headout Hub: extranet for Headout suppliers to self-manage listings & inventory
  • Launched new Headout brand to be relevant to a global audience and new challenges that emerged with scale & the post-pandemic market

Rebranding Headout for a Global Audience.

Building a culture of user-testing & advanced prototyping. (Design-Ops)

Conduting user research for tourism industry in the pandemic-times.

Type system for a global brand supporting languages across the world.

Building systems to scale products for an un-organised market.

Making sense of design without breaking business fundamentals.

Instamojo (2012-2019)

The Story

Started in 2012, Instamojo is a fin-tech platform serving over 7 Lakh businesses in India.

Easy to use products and simple user experience helped us achieve the product-market fit and become a leader among fin-tech products serving the MSME market.

I was heading the design team and manage payments, merchant, & mobile products. We created the well-known "Payment Links" product. Read more about the team's work:

As Product Manager

  • Launched "Smart Payment Links" — adopted by 5% active users, generating 7% of GMV (Read More)
  • Increased Monthly Active Users (MAU) by 17% with the launch of the new Android App
  • Launched "Virtual Account Numbers" — with 10+ enterprise customers closed within 15 days of launch
  • Reduced the time taken from Sign up to Activation (critical path) from 170 mins to 7 mins

As Head of Design

  • Designed "Payment Links" that contributes more than 50% to the GMV
  • Reduced cost of onboarding customers with easy to use experience. 80% users self-activate within 30 days without high touch sales
  • Hired the design team and introduced processes as the company grew from 100 to 4+ Lakh customers
  • Redesigned & rebranded products across platforms with a team of 4 in 45 days
  • Designed Payment Flow which is used by 15+ Lakh consumers every month. 100% of GMV comes from this product

Read More

In the Past

Ran businesses including WebMutiny (a UX design agency) and an educational events company.

Had some startups like Besperk, ReadJitsu (selected for StartupChile), etc. Worked with startups like Cleartax, L-pad (a startup incubator), etc.

You can find more on LinkedIn or read more about my story.