5-Minute Enterprise Onboarding

Onboard any sizes of businesses & sell anything


Businesses use Instamojo to solve a variety of problems from payments to cash-flow. Our customers range from seasonal artists, and freelancers to enterprises.

The Onboarding needed to:

  1. Get a business of any size and complexity to sign up
  2. Gauge the user intent and offer the right product
  3. Gather relevant information to underwrite for using the payment services and credit line


A serious business is not intimidated by a long Onboarding flow. We learned this from years of interaction with new and potential customers and experiments.

A serious business expects a serious onboarding.

Over the years, our machine-learning algorithms have improved, re-affirming the inputs that matter. This helps us decide what questions to ask a customer.


We distilled our learnings into a user-experience framework. There were 3 key framework challenges. The Onboarding needed to be:

  1. Customisable: to address the nature & need of the business
  2. Collect enough data to be able to retarget lukewarm leads

The resulting framework consists of dynamic steps. Each step asks the user for a specific category of information. Eg: Business Type, Tax Details, Bank Details, KYC Document Upload, etc.

A sample rendering of onboarding user experience.

The system can decide to add or remove these steps on the fly. Or change the way of the questions are framed:

If you’re onboarding as a business, should you give your PAN or company PAN?
The onboarding framework takes care of the smallest details that matter to the customers.

A user may not get approved by the risk algorithms to use payments. They would see a very different flow as compared to the approved users.

Once the user lands on the dashboard, our 'Onboarding Tasks' guides the users to the Critical Product Experience. Critical Product Experience is the ideal path the customer should take to get the most out of Instamojo and become an active user.

Onboarding tasks guide customers to activation and show different tasks to different types of users.

By the time the user sees the tasks, we know enough to recommend the best products.

Onboarding tasks can show the perfect product to the customers.


Our payment button is on the customer website before they even get a call from our competitors.

Most users onboard within 5 minutes, and in the next 50 minutes, they are active users of Instamojo.

Most users complete onboarding and activated within 55 minutes.

With Onboarding tasks, we reduced the time to "aha-moment" from 7 days to 50-80 minutes.